Bastia, Corsica

42° 42.5' N 09° 27.3' E  Port de Toga, Bastia, Corsica

It was only a six hour crossing from Elba into the french waters of Corsica, and our first port of call in Corsica was Bastia. There wasn't too many boats around so we sailed in our birthday suits... love the freedom of the ocean! Chatting to mum a mile off the coast she pointed out I should probably cover up before I made more of an entrance to Corsica than intended. 

I don't think it was Bastia's fault I didn't have a blast. For starters they made me put my clothes back on, then they were all on holiday and I had errands to run. They had taken two days off for Bastille day but didn't celebrate like mainland France although they did throw a pretty spectacular fireworks display that night (our 6th display this trip, the Med love fireworks!).

If it had been open the town was pleasant, streets with plenty of shops worth a look-in, we rode our bikes around the town square and old port, had coffee in the cafes and a long lunch in a  restaurant along the waterfront. 

The yacht next to us had a kitten on board, kitten says hi! 

Charlie x