Portoferraio, Elba

43° 47.086' N 7° 33.625' E  Portoferraio, Isle of Elba, Italy

Elba was a pleasant surprise. Elegant, relaxed, and without a hint of posh. 

Elba is a small'ish island (224 square km) between mainland Italy and Corsica, which wasn't on my radar before now. I don't ever recall meeting anyone who had been on holiday to Elba. They are all missing out. 

Portoferraio is the main port, and our first port of call in Elba. We paid a fine price for the berth, €110 for one night with no marina facilities (for comparison an average berth in a marina for us is €55 night). 

However it was a very pretty port. The town, from the waters edge up to the citadel is a wash of ochre and green shutters. All cobbled stairs with a small collection of shops and cafes. 

We dined at Teatro which was well priced and worth the stairs. My Ragu tagliatelle had been delightfully tussled with olive oil and lemon, it was absolutely delicious. 

After sunset the warm air matched the warm ambience of the port, the promenade buzzed with live music, dripping ice creams and joviality. Silver Paws was tethered in the middle of it all so we wandered back to the boat and fell asleep to the sounds of Sting covers emanating from the crowd. 

Charlie x