Fête de la Musique

43° 42.4' N 7° 16.7' E   Nice, France

Fête de la Musique happily coincided with our time in Nice. For one enthusiastic day every year France celebrates music on the streets. It all kicked off on the Saturday evening with a free concert along Nice promenade, streamed live across the country to 4 million or so viewers, culminating at midnight with a countdown and fireworks. 

On Sunday Captain and I spent the evening roaming Nice enjoying Fete de la Musique. All public places are open for anyone musically swayed to perform their talent to the public, a particularly eyecatching talent was an agile young man who could moonwalk, back flip and handstand without dropping his football. 

It was a bustling but calm crowd. Every corner you turned there was something different happening and Cinders ended up staying out till past midnight, rock n' roll. 

Charlie x